So far so good this week

This week is turning out to be a great week and here’s why:
Monday: I found out one of my best friends from Uni is having a baby! That makes 3 girlfriends expecting 2014 babies we subsequently booked afternoon for next week to celebrate, exciting!
Tuesday: The Taste , Anthony Bourdain is a legend! Chef Ludo’s accent is totally sexy, I can’t resist confident funny men especially those passionate about food! As for Nigella, basically I would be her slave if she wanted me to. I love her hair, her voice, her clothes, her attitude and especially her food and cook books. My signed version of Feast is one of my most treasured possessions and most used cookbooks
Wednesday: impromptu dinner with a very good friend at Machiavelli in covent garden, food was nice, table not time most comfortable but the lovely staff made up for the limited menu. She lived in the US for a year and I am very glad to have her back, she’s being sworn into the New York bar in 10 days and I’m very proud of her
As for the rest of the week, on Friday I’m off to see maman in France, can’t wait to see her and eat delicious food!

I hope all of your weeks are going well!