My International Women’s Day

On Saturday,  spring finally sprung in London and the sun was out! It’s funny how coffee, afternoon tea and dinner can actually be exhausting, clearly I’m getting old! First I went back to SW1 to meet a friend for coffee in Duke’s of York square, it was so nice to sit outside, admire the serious chic people and just chat. We actually chatted so much (it may have been International Women’s day but the topic was mainly men…)I ended up being 5 mins late for afternoon tea. This friend of mine is one of the smartest most beautiful women I know , she went straight from a BA to a PhD, yes it’s possible. Anyway, only in SW1 do people sit on a terrace drinking coffee and then ask the waiter if they can hold their dog whilst they go to the bathroom…clearly I don’t belong there.

Off to Haymarket for a baby shower/afternoon tea at the Haymarket Hotel, I have had a few afternoon teas in my time and I have to say this one was of the best because it was so relaxed, the sandwiches were unlimited (sandwiches and scones are my favourite part of afternoon tea, no interest in the cakes) and the staff really friendly. After the usual cream or jam first debate, it was time for presents. I have decided that anything for babies with ears is seriously cute!

The shower was for one of my colleagues, again another genius of a woman whose brain works so fast, she has seriously kept me on toes since she joined my team. I am lucky to work with some amazing women, funny, sweet, independent, tenacious, generous, unique and lovely women. They make it all bearable. After a ton of sandwiches and scones, we left mum-to-be with a pile of presents to take home in her E class Mercedes ( thanks Kabbee app!) After a wander round the shops (note to self, Oxford Street on a sunny Saturday is hell, how did I not realise this after 14 years in London! You think you can cope and then it’s miserable), I had some time to kill before dinner so off I went to the National Portrait Gallery and came across this woman:


I love Kate but I certainly do not love this painting, it makes her look old, the only thing that is true to life is the hair, looks even better than the real thing ( not that I have actually ever met Kate!).  Anyway I would not be impressed if I were her. Clearly I’m never going to have a portrait in the NP Gallery…

Finally  I met up with Mister B in Covent Garden before dinner and came across another Kate, Kate Spade, now I LOVE all things Kate Spade and particularly this, which I came very close to buying, I think it sums quite a few of the fun (but naughty women) in the world up:


Clearly much more fun that the other Kate….probably best to stop at 3 though…