Laughing, laughing at me and laughing with me

Last Sunday I went to see Wolf of Wall Street and got told off by Mister B for laughing too loud in the cinema, I actually nearly fell off my chair onto the floor. I felt like this film was totally in sync with my humour, in my opinion it was hilarious. I have no time for the whole “does it condone this type of behavior” debate, it happened, stuff like that happens (I work in the City and hardly witness anything like this but I KNOW crazy stuff happens) and will always happen. To be honest I envy the fun they had, I left the cinema wanting to go and get drunk on champagne and dance all night. There are some classic lines in that movie. My favourite scenes include the one where he is arguing with his wife in the morning and taking the piss out of her for having to deal with gardeners, house chores etc and how it must be sooo hard. not very feminist of me but so true…give me a mansion and unlimited credit card and the CHOICE not to work any day. Second favourite (a bit more feminist of me) is when they are in the nursery and she tells him how she will be wondering around the house sans  underwear and he can’t touch her, that’s power right there: apparently “used to be fun”, this is what a friend of mine told me because I’m sticking to the 4Cs,  well the one that he is thinking of is the drinking one. He was taking the piss about how I was one of those boring January people…still we’re going out anyway and I’ll make him laugh sober!

1 meter, just one little meter is apparently a lot bigger than I thought. My main point of reference is the circumference of my chest, which back in 2003 measured 1 meter. I know this because my housemates (ahhhh the good old days of house sharing at uni, no money yet so much fun! what ever ever went wrong…) at the time, took all sorts of measurements and tried to keep track throughout the year, I am sure there are plenty of apps for that kind of thing these days. We were all shocked at my “one meter” and so when I ordered a bargain mirror in the sale, I did not think it would be that big when it was delivered Saturday morning. Apparently circumference and diameter are not the same thing….so this beauty is now on gumtree:

Indeed it really is too big:


Saturday evening was an improvement, much more about laughing with me that at me and my issues with meters/centimeters/geometry…

I went to a great girls dinner round the corner, we were 6 girls in total(I only knew the hostess) and she spoilt us with Ottolenghi food from start to finish, fresh his shop up the road, she even created menus. I nearly cracked and had some champagne but I was good and only drank boring old juice.

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I had a girl crush on one the girls at the dinner, she was so funny and had an amazing attitude to life. She was single until recently when she went on a mission and eventually after nearly 40 dates found a great man. He’s taking her to the Waterside Inn and Coworth park this weekend, indeed not bad !!!

I love strong, funny, successful, smart women, hopefully we’ll meet up again. Out of 6 of us, I was the only one married, 1 is dating and the others all single, why they have not found any nice men is beyond me.  Oh wait, they’re not on doh!

It’s another world out there

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Hello everybody!

what a bad blogger I have been… My only excuse is four days in France at mum mum’s where the internet connection is slow and I tried to switch off. Not only did I switch off but realised a few things…

My mum lives in the middle of nowhere in France, literally you can’t even walk to a shop! I live I’m Islington, where there is a Tesco 30 secs away. There is a bar/restaurant about 10 mins walk from her house but if you want to go anywhere else, you need to drive, get on a bike or put on comfy shows for a long walk!

It was so nice to:

  • Sleep in real darkness and silence (I slept 11 hours one night!)
  • sit but the fire
  • read my book
  • be surrounded by nature
  • see my “freres” that I rarely see
  • go shopping in a supermarche (sorry can’t find the accent on the ipad) they have about a million different yogurts for example
  • Eat a raclette
  • chat with my mum in the kitchen
  • watch French TV
  • relax relax relax

and it made me realise what a crazed commercial expensive life one can lead in London, how nice it would be to be live nearer family and how noisy London is and how much stress that causes.

It was so relaxing, I came back fully refreshed and now want to buy a country house! I am not done with London but definitely getting tired with it, also a sign of getting older I think 🙂
Linking up to #allaboutyou allaboutyou


So far so good this week

This week is turning out to be a great week and here’s why:
Monday: I found out one of my best friends from Uni is having a baby! That makes 3 girlfriends expecting 2014 babies we subsequently booked afternoon for next week to celebrate, exciting!
Tuesday: The Taste , Anthony Bourdain is a legend! Chef Ludo’s accent is totally sexy, I can’t resist confident funny men especially those passionate about food! As for Nigella, basically I would be her slave if she wanted me to. I love her hair, her voice, her clothes, her attitude and especially her food and cook books. My signed version of Feast is one of my most treasured possessions and most used cookbooks
Wednesday: impromptu dinner with a very good friend at Machiavelli in covent garden, food was nice, table not time most comfortable but the lovely staff made up for the limited menu. She lived in the US for a year and I am very glad to have her back, she’s being sworn into the New York bar in 10 days and I’m very proud of her
As for the rest of the week, on Friday I’m off to see maman in France, can’t wait to see her and eat delicious food!

I hope all of your weeks are going well!

Resolution failure 1 and how my eyes have been opened

Today I ate cake, I was not supposed to eat cake all of January…hmmm…it’s only day 6! However it was for a good cause: “la galette des rois” (cake eating meets Epiphany), a great French tradition. My French colleague and I always make a point of doing “la galette” in the office at epiphany. Our colleagues find the whole thing quite baffling but I know they secretly love it!
This whole resolution thing has made me realise 2 things:
1. I am addicted to chocolate, I found it really hard not to eat any, it also made me realise how often I eat it (probably every day!)
2. I spend a lot of time in clothes shops and on related websites. I have found not shopping quite hard and am embarrassed to have realised how much time and money I spend on clothes
3. I need some more hobbies and passions, more on that next time!

Domestic Goddess Friday Night

imageimage image image image image TGIF 🙂 On the way home tonight, I had a sudden urge to cook a proper dinner. I have realised I usually make some kind of  “one Le Creuset pot wonder”, chillies, stews etc but tonight I got inspired and am cooking roast pork, mashd sweet potatoes and braised peas and lettuce. See the action above ( I need to figure how to out one pic and then make one comment, not just have a bunch of images one after the other…) Not bad for a Friday night!

Dinner turned out delicious, I used sweet potatoes because my husband is obsessed with them, he goes to cross fit, for those of you who know what that it is you will understand…I think he’s actually starting to get addicted but more on that later….

have a good weekend all!

New Year’s resolutions – 2014, aka the 4 Cs

Happy New Year everybody!

Every year I make resolutions and can’t remember what they were, so I doubt I ever stuck to them! This year I am doing monthly resolutions, committing for a month only seems feasible. So the 4 Cs for January are:

  • Cocktails: no drinking of any of those and any other alcohol
  • Cakes: no cake will pass my lips
  • Chocolate: now this is going to be hard, I love a bit of chocolate after dinner
  • Clothes buying: this is the hardest, it’s the January sales and I can’t buy ANY new clothes

I will let you know how I get on!

What are your resolutions?

linking up to:
